Projects I have worked on. If you want the code or schematic for a project, ask in the comments and I will post as soon as I can. Some are a work in Progress. See all my videos on my Youtube channel: sjm4306
-Cheap and Easy POV
-Interfacing a SNES controller and 16x2 LCD to the PIC16f84A
-Capacitive Touch Sensor for pic16F84A (no special hardware required)
-Controlling a nokia5110 lcd with software SPI on a pic16f84a
-Diy Portable video projector
-POV display v2.0
-Digital Magic 8 Ball
-Fixing a PS3 Controller that Wont Charge
-Nokia LCD PIC driver revamp
-Yet Another POV Clock Project!
-Epson emp-s4 Projector LED Mod
-Update and Quick Wii Mod
-Super Joy 3 NES on a Chip Modifications
-End of Summer Break Massive Update
-PS2 Modbo 4.0 Installation and Translucent Case Mod
-Mameboy Advance Arcade Build
-Interfacing a SNES controller and 16x2 LCD to the PIC16f84A
-Capacitive Touch Sensor for pic16F84A (no special hardware required)
-Controlling a nokia5110 lcd with software SPI on a pic16f84a
-Diy Portable video projector
-POV display v2.0
-Digital Magic 8 Ball
-Fixing a PS3 Controller that Wont Charge
-Nokia LCD PIC driver revamp
-Yet Another POV Clock Project!
-Epson emp-s4 Projector LED Mod
-Update and Quick Wii Mod
-Super Joy 3 NES on a Chip Modifications
-End of Summer Break Massive Update
-PS2 Modbo 4.0 Installation and Translucent Case Mod
-Mameboy Advance Arcade Build